How Therapists can Save Time and Money going into 2024

I recently asked Jonah Salita, LA-based CEO and Founder of Diall: “What are some of the most effective ways for therapists to save time and money going into 2024?”

Here are his top 8 pieces of advice. Some of them may depend on your specific practice, preference, and context, but see if you can pick out at least 1 to begin exploring further!

  1. Go Virtual: Telehealth reduces the need for physical office space, saving on rent and commuting costs. It also allows therapists to reach a wider client base (across the state and via compacts).

  2. Automate Administrative Tasks: Implementing software for scheduling, billing, and client communication can significantly reduce the time spent on administrative tasks. Cash pay works better than insurance here (friendly *wink, wink* to the services Diall is providing therapists!).

  3. Group Therapy Sessions: Offering group therapy sessions can be more time-efficient and financially beneficial, allowing therapists to treat multiple clients simultaneously.

  4. Do Continuing Education Online: More cost-effective and time-efficient than attending in-person events.

  5. Pick 1 Marketing Channel: Start with one channel and go DEEP here!

  6. Collaborations: Collaborating with other professionals can lead to referrals and shared resources, reducing marketing and operational costs. Consider a consistent support group, event, or even group message for continual communication.

  7. Optimize Office Hours: Streamlining appointment schedules to reduce downtime can increase the number of clients seen per day.

  8. Do Financial Audits on Yourself Once a Month: Ask yourself… What did you spend, what did you earn, where do you want to be, how will you get there?


Scaling a Group Practice (Part 1)


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